0 votes

This a little bit urgent as I usr ORM designer heavily for work.

This isn't the first time I get this error. I used to get this error when export path was wrong. However, now I double-checkd all the paths but I can't get rid of this error.

I also check xml files but can't find any error. Actually I also don't know what I am supposed to look at.

Qt location:
Event class QMouseEvent to object (class Qtitan::RibbonButton)

Raw exception data:
Invalid UTF-8

CrashReport Content:
Exception diagnostic info:
Invalid UTF-8

Log Content:
Loading ORMD configuration [file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/OrmDesigner2/configurations/Frameworks/CakePHP.ormd2.cfg.xml] [2013-09-10 16:40:44 void __thiscall XmlSerialization::COrmdCfgLoader::LoadConfiguration(class Atomix::CXmlManipulator &)]
Loading ORMD configuration [file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/OrmDesigner2/configurations/Frameworks/Doctrine.ormd2.cfg.xml] [2013-09-10 16:40:44 void __thiscall XmlSerialization::COrmdCfgLoader::LoadConfiguration(class Atomix::CXmlManipulator &)]
Loading ORMD configuration [file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/OrmDesigner2/configurations/Frameworks/Doctrine2.ormd2.cfg.xml]
[2013-09-10 16:40:52 void __thiscall XmlSerialization::CProjectCfgLoader::LoadConfiguration(class Atomix::CXmlManipulator &)]
Loading config file C:\Program Files (x86)\OrmDesigner2\configurations\Frameworks\Doctrine.ormd2.cfg.xmlLoading Project configuration [file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/OrmDesigner2/configurations/Frameworks/Doctrine.ormd2.cfg.xml]
[2013-09-10 16:40:52 void __thiscall XmlSerialization::CProjectCfgLoader::LoadScriptFunctions(class boost::sharedptr,class String::CSmartString >,class Atomix::Orm::IOrmObject *)]
.[2013-09-10 16:40:52 void __thiscall XmlSerialization::CProjectCfgLoader::LoadExternalImporters(class boost::shared
ptr,class String::CSmartString >)]
- Loading script functions .
[2013-09-10 16:40:52 void __thiscall Services::CProjectSessionScriptService::LoadOrmDesignerScripts(class Atomix::Orm::IOrmEntityManager &,class Logic::COrmdProjectScriptSession *,class Atomix::SmartObject3::CSingleContainer)]
C:\Program Files (x86)\OrmDesigner2\configurations\Importers\MySqlWorkbench.import.osc [2013-09-10 16:40:52 void __thiscall Services::CProjectSessionScriptService::LoadOrmDesignerScripts(class Atomix::Orm::IOrmEntityManager &,class Logic::COrmdProjectScriptSession *,class Atomix::SmartObject3::CSingleContainer)]
Loading module [ProductManagementBundle]Loading entity [Product]Loading entity [ProductLocalization]Loading entity [ProductsOfSite]Loading entity [ProductCategory]Loading entity [ProductCategoryLocalization]Loading entity .
[AdManagementBundle]Serializing module [ShoppingCartBundle]Serializing module [PaymentGatewayBundle]Serializing module [ShipmentGatewayBundle]Serializing module [TaxManagementBundle]Serializing module [AddressManagementBundle]Serializing module [FAQBundle]
Serializing module [ECourseManagementtBundle]Saving XML file C:\Users\Can\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-242829535753189.tmpExporting Doctrine2 files...Transforming project fileExporting file: ....\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\ORM..........................\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\Entity\FilesOfMember.phpExporting file: ....\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\ORM..........................\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\Entity\MembersOfGroup.phpExporting file: ....\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\ORM..........................\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\Entity\MembersOfSite.phpExporting file: ....\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\ORM..........................\bodev-core\vendor\biberltd\core\BiberLtd\Core\Bundles\MemberManagementBundle\Entity\MemberLocalization.php

[2013-09-10 16:59:32 bool __thiscall Atomix::CAtomixApplicationQtApp::notify(class QObject *,class QEvent *)]
*** Unhandled std exception
[2013-09-10 16:59:32 bool __thiscall Atomix::CAtomixApplicationQtApp::notify(class QObject *,class QEvent *)]
*** Qt information: [2013-09-10 16:59:32 bool __thiscall Atomix::CAtomixApplicationQtApp::notify(class QObject *,class QEvent *)]
Error Invalid UTF-8 sending event class QMouseEvent to object (class Qtitan::RibbonButton)
[2013-09-10 16:59:32 bool __thiscall Atomix::CAtomixApplicationQtApp::notify(class QObject *,class QEvent *)]
*** Exception information: [2013-09-10 16:59:32 bool __thiscall Atomix::CAtomixApplicationQtApp::notify(class QObject *,class QEvent *)]
Invalid UTF-8 [2013-09-10 16:59:32 bool __thiscall Atomix::CAtomixApplicationQtApp::notify(class QObject *,class QEvent *)]

in Solved by (280 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Ok, it's solved. What I have done was to move the project file to some other folder and then to change import-path= value in all XML files. I don't what was the issue; but maybe it was a file-locking issue. I really don't know.

by (280 points)
selected by

I'm glad you solved it.

If you get this error again, please don't hesitate to send me your project files so we can investigate it more detailed.

thanks for fast response. and i love the product, it'a really important weight lifter; enabling the developer to concentrate on more unique aspects of projects.

0 votes


would it be possible to send me your project and file mentioned bellow so we can check it? Based on the log it seems that problem is inside this file:


(because it's a last mentioned file in the log before the crash).

Not sure what exactly caused this problem, but based on "Invalid UTF-8" error it seems to some invalid characters inside your .php file. Does your php file have a correct encoding?

by Skipper developer (140k points)

I have one XML that stores entity information and that is used by ORMDesigner and then the exported PHP; so you say the issue is with the exported PHP file?

I will send you the files but there quite a lot of them.

I suppose so. But it's hard to say it with 100% sure without checking your files.
Please send it to [email protected] and I will check it.

The problem in php file could be caused by different encoding configured in your text editor and different encoding used by ORM Designer when importing/exporting annotations.