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Depending on your ORM framework you can choose where to export your schema.xml / schema.yml file or where to export xml/yml/php files for each of your entity.
No matter which ORM framework you're using, paths are configured for each module separately. This enables you to split your project to several plugins and export entities to different locations based on your project structure.
To configure export format and path, simply double-click on module (or choose it from the project tree and in context menu choose "Edit"). Now in Module Editor window choose second tab Files and Export

Now in Data Format item you can choose which of available ORM formats you wold like to generate when you perform *Export**.
In Relative export path item you can configure your export path. Each path is relative to your root project file. The absolute path is displayed bellow inside the item Full export path.
- In case you're using framework which uses one file for each module definitions (Doctrine1, Propel, ...) you have to enter path including output file name (Plugins\Eshop\Config\schema.xml)
- In case you're using framework which uses one file for each entity (Doctrine2), you have to enter path to directory where all files will be stored.
Result file name can also depends on another switches (How to configure file name for Doctrine2).
Hope this tips will help you enjoy ORM Designer. If you have any question about this topic, feel free to discus it bellow!