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Message "Model exported to: ..." although no export settings have been set and no export was done.

in Solved by (3.6k points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer

This issue was fixed in latest version You can download this version here http://support.orm-designer.com/31/download-orm-designer2-here

by Skipper developer (140k points)

This is really great! The whole export dialog is radically improved, including the summary at the end which files were changed and which stayed the same. Thanks!

You're welcome ;-)

However, there is still no warning when no export settings are set.

0 votes

I know about this behavior and honestly immediately after I implemented this message box I knew that it will need more care. It's only temporary solution to show any info when export is done.

The idea is to display more sophisticated dialog where all generated files will be displayed, maybe also with information which files were modified and which remain the same.

This is also the answer to your another question posted here: http://support.orm-designer.com/68/success-popup-after-export-displays-wrong-path

by Skipper developer (140k points)