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ORM Designer, MVC: Without, ORM: Doctrine 1

When editing a comment, the last line is truncated in the visual view after editing the comment again. Auto-sizing does not work / ignores the last linebreak. I need to put an empty line at the end so that the comment is sized correctly and all lines are displayed.

Image caption

in Solved by (3.6k points)
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Hi Jorn, I'm not able to reproduce this issue. Here is a video what I tried:


Only issue I found is that auto-resize isn't correctly serialized to file, so if you add new comment line, save-close-open your project, command will have original size.

1 Answer

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Best answer

New version with this feature/bugfix was released.
Please download latest version here http://www.orm-designer.com/download-orm-designer

by Skipper developer (140k points)
selected by

This or a similar problem appears to still exist. and both exhibit this problem. When the comment is first created it sizes to fit. However if you edit it later then it suddenly shrinks to a really small "default" looking size. All of them appear to shrink to the exact same size in width and height, no matter how big they were originally on creation.

Can you please create new bug report as standalone question together with more information? Which platform are you using, how to replicate it step by step (or screencast if possible). Thanks


in case you are able to replicate this bug, please send us more details. We made few more testings and everything seems to be ok as you can see here: https://a.pomf.se/amjnmu.mp4
