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For example I generate Many-To-Many "table" between two entity, the default generated field names aren't nice.
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There are 2 new fields: User_id and GroupEntityTestName_id . There isn't self-consistent. We need to rewrite field names to user_id and group _ entity _ test _ name _ id .

This auto conversion is simple, there are many example on the web:

It is small feature but help for us.

in Solved by (390 points)
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2 Answers

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Best answer

This request was implemented in latest version You can download this version here http://support.orm-designer.com/31/download-orm-designer2-here

Each ORM now has its own rules to generate PK and FK fields.

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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We know that part of our users wants this behavior. Unfortunately we can't implement it directly because another part of developers uses CamelCase convention.

So the only way how to solve this is custom fields templates (PK, FK, ..) with possibility to define a way how you want to generate names.

Because of that this feature takes more time than could appears at first glance. But we have this feature in our todo and we will implement it as soon as it will be possible.

by Skipper developer (140k points)