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The new beta version fails to start for me :

OrmDesigner2: axCore/axString/StringConversion.cpp:39: static void String::CStringConversion::InitializeStringHelperEnviroment(): Assertion `pLocale != __null' failed.
Abandon (core dumped)

Distro : Pinguy OS 12.04 x84_64
Kernel : 3.2.0-38-generic
Window Manager : Gnome Shell
ORM version : OrmDesigner2-

Do you have any idea ?

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1 Answer

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Best answer

Interesting. It seems that your system doesn't have correctly set locale settings. Because of that core C function which perform string conversion failed.

I will check if there is any way how to pass default value when system locale isn't available.

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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Thanks, I have regenerated my locales and it works now. !

I had to reinstall locales because dpkg-reconfigure did not manage to generate them.

Great. I'm glad you solved it.