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hi, getting no entity found with import of symfony 6 project and php 8 annotation

enter image description here
enter image description here

in Solved by (230 points)
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Unfortunately, these annotations are not currently supported. We are working on it.

Soon we will have ready the first alfa version with Doctrine2 attributes support. In case you want to test it and help us with initial testing, please write me to [email protected]


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A new beta version with first attributes support is available here: https://www.skipper18.com/support/402/downloads-skipper-beta

Please test it and let us know your experiences. We had to rewrite a lot of parts of PHP code parsers/generators/mergers and improved a lot of areas of code formating.

All our unit tests and testing projects are now green but there can be still a lot of bugs. So please report anything unusual.


by Skipper developer (140k points)