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When I export my design to Doctrine2 entities a PHP close tag is being added to the end of my class. I don't like that, it's best practice not to do so. Is this a bug or do you have another point of view?

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2 Answers

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Best answer
by Skipper developer (140k points)
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Our first annotations export was done with ending ?> tags, but after some discussions with testers we decided to remove it. It seems that we missed some settings.

Could you please be more specific when this closing tags appears, so we can reconfigure it?

Thank you for report!

by Skipper developer (140k points)

I use the portable windows version. Import a new project with framework Symfony (1) and ORM Doctrine2, using annotations for schema definitions. Change something in one of the entities (e.g. length of a string field). Click export. It saves the class immediately (a notice would be nice, but that's another discussion ;-)) and there the ?> tag appears at the end of my file. Hope this will help!

Thank you for detailed description! I see the problem here too.

Regarding to your comment about missing notice, we know about it and it's one of our next todos.

Issue fixed and prepared to deploy on next release.