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When I start a brand new project then try to change the color of the MainBundle background my MacOS Big Sur installation just beeps at me and does not allow me to select a color.

This is the most basic example and of course I cannot select a color for an existing ERD element of any type. This is a most unexpected error.

edit: Also broken is selecting a join name for a many to many from the list e.g. UserToRole, User2Role, etc.

I'm no expert but I think it's got something to do with modal windows on modal windows.

in Solved by (140 points)
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Thanks for the info. This has to be something with the BigSur update (as always ;-( ).

We will check it and hope we will be able to fix it. In the worst case, we will have to wait until Qt fix.

I will let you know.

2 Answers

0 votes

Unfortunately, there are currently several Qt issues on the Big Sur without proper solution.

There are issues in the styling https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-86513,
and also there are issues on the controls with Big Sur https://bugreports.qt.io/browse/QTBUG-85546

Not sure what caused this mess but obviously Big Sur changed a lot of underlying logic and Qt didn't react quickly enough ;-(.

Currently, there is a lot of Qt GUI issues that are waiting for fixes. Right now, we are not able to fix these invalid behaviors ;-(.

We will closely watch the progress on these bugs and release new versions with upcoming fixes as soon as possible.

Regarding color chooser, we will try to replace it with another component as a temporary solution.

by Skipper developer (140k points)

If I hover my mouse over a color and hit then the color is selected. However the only way to choose a color is to click on it. If you can add to select the chosen color then that would be a sufficient work around for me for the color picker.

We're working on these issues last several days.

We had to completely reinstall all our build machines and create two separate build trees for builds before and after BigSur.

Also, we still can't use the latest BigSur SDK because Qt still supports only 10.15 SDK. So we spent a lot of time testing what is working and what is not working.

Because not everyone will be willing to upgrade to BigSure (because of HW limitation as same as some changes), we had to update the build system to be able to build again two different OSX distribution files.

Now, when we have this, we started testing all applications and finding workarounds for these bugs.

Unfortunately, this is not going as fast as I would like to, but it's a lot of repetitive recompilation of the whole stack and testing the best configuration.

I hope we will be able to release the first BigSure beta at the start of the next week.

Thanks for understanding.

0 votes

Hello Tom,

I'm glad to introduce a new version with a lot of fixes and reworked UI for the latest BigSur release.


The new version has full support for BigSur on all elements as same as full support for the dark theme on all supported operation systems. Also, we have new welcome screen and several other UI improvements.

enter image description here

Please test it and let me know if you will find any glitches.


by Skipper developer (140k points)