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this is my 1st use of Skipper,
i don't understand the logic in cardinality, i want to qualify my entities associations into 0,n but dont find such choice in the association options,
cant find also how to determine cardinality for both elements of the association,
i can just define for one side,

any help? or any link that explain how making cardinalities in Skipper?

thank you.

in How To & Manuals by (160 points)
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1 Answer

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Skipper is using the same cardinality marks for ORM association like any other ERD systems.

You're controlling owner side optional/required via "Parent connection" property, where you can set 0:1-* or 1:1-*

and inverse side type between one-to-many or one-to-one type via "Association type".

enter image description here

I want to qualify my entities associations into 0,n but don't find such choice in the association options,

"0,n" isn't a complete description of cardinality. You need to configure the owner-side and parent side. Usually something like 0:1-0:n, or 1:1-0:n, 0:1-0:1, etc. First means the parent side, second child (inverse) side.

As I wrote before, the parent side is configured via "Parent connection" where you can choose between 0:1 and 1:1, and child (inverse) side is configured via "Association type" where you can choose one-to-many ( -0:n) or one-to-one ( -0:1).

I hope it's a more clear now.

by Skipper developer (140k points)