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ORM Designer, MVC: Symfony2, ORM: Doctrine2

Pressing DEL key on the keyboard deletes an association, iff the type is One-to- oder -to-One. Only Many-to-Many is not working. In ORM Designer 1, removing an association from a Many-to-Many entity changed the entity to a regular one with only one association left.

in Solved by (3.6k points)
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Thanks for info, I see the same behavior here.

Regarding to question about removing only one association, this isn't possible in ORMD2 because of different MN handling in ORMD2. Original ORMD handles MN as two separate associations joined by one MN element. But ORMD2 handles MN as standalone object with connection to owner/inverse entity and MN entity. So removing only one side isn't possible.

Probably would be possible to left MN table undeleted after removing MN association, but I'm not sure if this is better behavior than removing it.

So this might be a feature request to convert the m2n entity object to a "regular entity" object. Either way, coming from ORMD1 there should be an info popup.

This will be a probably a best solution. Question the user whether remove MN entity or convert it to regular one.

2 Answers

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Best answer

Delete key fixed and also MN entity question implemented in version 2.1.9. Download it here: http://www.orm-designer.com/download-orm-designer

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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Fixed in version 2.1.9. Download it here: http://www.orm-designer.com/download-orm-designer

by Skipper developer (140k points)