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When I got a project, I would like to import an existing schema.xml into that project (e.g. a plugin or library for that project).

This should also be possible in sense of projects linked as modules into another project.
By editing the project, all projects using that project as a module should notice the change when opened again (or if already open, immediately) and ask whether to apply the changes or stay with the current imported state.

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2 Answers

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Best answer

This feature is implemented in version latest version


by Skipper developer (140k points)
0 votes

We have a similar function in original ORM Designer. Each module has separate xml definition file. ORM Designer2 currently stores all settings in one file, but we will implement similar behavior like in original version.

Regarding to importing new file to existing project, this feature isn't available in ORMD2 right now, but also will be available in next few days when we will continue with finalizing all ORM Designer functions.

by Skipper developer (140k points)