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When ever i use the Export to ORM function, an Application Error comes up.
Also for some reason it can't send the report.

Version :
PropelORM and no MVC

Main Error

Evaluate script function [PropelExport] failed with error [Error: axCore\axXmlManipulator\XmlManipulator.cpp(483): Throw in function void __cdecl Atomix::CXmlManipulator::ThrowXmlErrorException(const char *,const char *,struct _xmlError *)
Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct Atomix::exception>
std::exception::what: Unknown exception
XsltManipulatorError during xsltApplyStylesheetUser.Error during xsltApplyStylesheetUser.
ERR: runtime error: element attribute
xsl:attribute: The QName 'xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation' has no namespace binding in scope in the stylesheet; this is an error, since the namespace was not specified by the instruction itself.


Error when i try to submit the error.

Error connection to server. axLibraries\axRemoteService\serviceDefinition\serviceDefinitionCommand.cpp(195): Throw in function void __thiscall Atomix::RemoteService::CServiceDefinitionCommand::ValidateRequestCommandParams(struct Atomix::RemoteService::stRemoteServiceRequest &) const Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct Atomix::exception> std::exception::what: Unknown exception Excess request (strRequestData) data in service [file-storage-server] and command [upload-temporary-file].MDMP����
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Testing with a new project (which worked), I noticed that in the ORM Properties section for the package, xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation was set to **https://raw.githubusercontent.com/propelorm/Propel/master/generator/resources/xsd/database.xsd**

After clearing this the export worked.

Do you have any idea why this value was set?

The project was created from an existing schema file.

I had a look at the original file and it is set there.

Fix for sending crash reports will be available in next version released today/tomorrow. Thanks for reporting.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Crash report sending is fixed in 3.2.12 version


by Skipper developer (140k points)
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