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I saved a file named types.skipper.cfg.xml next to my project file BX Formation.skipper and wrote the following content in it:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<skipper-configuration xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <mvc-support-orm mvc-name="Symfony2" orm-name="Doctrine2">
            <data-type name="action_type"/>

I expect to see the new "action_type" in the appropriate select box, but nothing new appear.

The procedure I did follow is explained here: Project configuration files

in Solved by (160 points)
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It's exactly like it should be. There have to be something else wrong.

Can you please send/publish any testing project together with mentioned types.skipper.cfg.xml file so we can test it?

The XML is the content of the file.
I will do the test project at home when I have more time.

I thought your project file. But I think I know where is the problem.

You have mvc-name="Symfony2" but the correct value is "Symfony". This is the reason why I wanted your Skipper project file.

Check if mvc-name and orm-name is the same like in the project.xml file

Thank you very much! That was exactly that.
I couldn't give the project file as it contains private information.
It works like intended.

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

You have mvc-name="Symfony2" but the correct value is "Symfony". This is the reason why I wanted your Skipper project file.

Check if mvc-name and orm-name is the same like in the project.xml file

by Skipper developer (140k points)

Merci. Je suis maintenant un heureux possesseur d'une licence :-)

"Thank you. I am now a happy owner of a license"