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I start a new project today and i need to use Gedmo in my entities !

So how to do that ?


in How To & Manuals by (220 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer

There is no special settings for that. Just start modelling Doctrine2 and add Gedmo to your entities

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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Mhum ok, but how ? in entitie .yml / .xml ?

Beacause in tools interface, when start new project :

File > Create project > New ORM Project > Doctrine2 ORM > Symfony3

And add "update_at" field with "datetime" I can't find somting "On Update Gedmo" in interface ;(

If i need to use export, add this " * @Gedmo\Timestampable(on="update")" in the file and import, it is so mhum... not user freindly...

enter image description here

You have turned-on filter for "filled items only" ;-)

Also please be aware that Gedmo is available for entity, not field. So you need to choose any entity settings (name, description,...) to see Gedmo property.

enter image description here

" So you need to choose any entity settings (name, description,...) to see Gedmo property."

Thk !