+1 vote

I had positioned Entities into some regions, but when i importered all entities (which should trigger a merge) all my Entities located at a region were moved to a random location, all on top of each other. This makes importing a problem.

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1 Answer

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Hi Chielsen.

The import process to existing project wasn't originally intended to import same entities. This is a probably reason why entities are moved outside the regions.

Can you please prepare some testing project (Skipper project together with schema files) where is this situation reproducible?


by Skipper developer (140k points)

I have the same issue. Create a skipper project form ORM schema, update the ORM schema outside of skipper and re-import it. The Entities get all randomly placed and messes up the structure. Like chielsen said, it makes importing a problem.

As I wrote before, it's not intended workflow.

This issue in your case is probably caused by some missing entity in your Skipper project which exist in your project directory or by different namespace of entities in Skipper project and in your schema files.

You can download latest beta (http://support.skipper18.com/402/downloads-skipper-beta) where we made a quick fix for this issue.