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When i cut and paste from one entity to another one a column, if this column had index i got a bug : index still believes in old entity.

Example :
-- tableA --
columnC INDEX(mycolumnindex)
-- tableB --

I cut and paste columnC from tableA to tableB, directly from the graph view. I got :
-- tableA --
-- tableB --

So, when i export after, i got this issue in Doctrine :
indexes={@ORM\Index(name="mycolumnindex", columns={})}

That cause a Doctrine error which is sometimes hard to find.
Thanks for support!

in Solved by (350 points)
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Hi, thanks for report and sorry for this complication. Unfortunately this is currently a correct behavior.

You moved column to another entity, so column was detached from index but empty index (index without columns) remained in original entity. In case that index would contain two columns the index will be still valid.

I think it would be possible to implement behavior where index will be removed when no more columns are attached to it. But in situations when you want to remove one column and add another you will be forced to create completely new index.

We have to check it more deeply and let you know

1 Answer

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This issue is fixed in latest beta available from our support site:

by Skipper developer (140k points)