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Hi, can you be please more specific what do you mean by this?

Sorry. I am new to this forum and accidentally hit the wrong button.

I am using Doctrine 2 with Symfony 2 to create a new app that integrates with an existing database. This database has the mysql timestamp for typical created and updated fields. As you may know, the timestamp fields in mysql are basically integers that reflect the number of seconds from a particular date. The database automatically inserts the timestamp when a field is created or updated. From the application perspective, these are read-only integers.

What is the best way to map this in the Skipper tool?

1 Answer

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No problem ;-)

Because Mysql is "hidden" by Doctrine ORM there is no need to do something special for mysql via Skipper.

You can define your model in Skipper in the exact way like you're defining it manually in the schema files (xml / yml / annotations).

I suppose that you should define it as timestamp type and Doctrine2 handles value storage for you.

by Skipper developer (140k points)