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If i create a model with the gui, it sometimes (i cant figure out what causes it) "sets" the name of that model to "UnamedEntiy[1-9]". The ModelName-Field in the properties is correctly filled out. After that it exports the model under that name, which makes skipper useless for me. Is this a known "behaivior" or did i do something wrong?

in Solved by (120 points)
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2 Answers

0 votes


Unnamed entity is a default entity name in case you didn't enter another name. You can change this name anytime in the future by editing this entity.

Why is Skipper useless because of this behavior?


by Skipper developer (140k points)
0 votes


we localized issue which caused this rare behavior. Fix is available in our latest beta version


by Skipper developer (140k points)