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Hello, I'm trying to import the User and Group doctrine mapping files from FOSUserBundle. What I did was: File > Create or Import New > Import ORM Schema Files, then I pointed to my symfony2 project: /home/me/app/vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/Resources/config/doctrine-mapping/. It went alright, Skipper imported both User and Group Entities, and I started developing the rest from there.

Is this the correct way to do it?

in How To & Manuals by (180 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer


yes, this is one of the possible ways.

It depends if you already have your project of if you're starting a new one.

In case you're starting a new one, simply attach all plugins/bundles to your project directory and select Create or Import new -> Import ORM schema files and select root path of your project:


after that all schema files will be imported and you can start with customizating/ extending of your project.

In case you already have project, use "Import to project" -> Import ORM schema files and attach new module to your existing project.

For more info about modules, you can check following article: https://help.skipper18.com/how-to-use/application-concepts/shared-modules

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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Thank you for your answer. By the way, I did try to point to the root of my project (/home/me/app). However, Skipper imported a lot of internal stuff from Symfony2, something like 4 more bundles. I found it a little bit dirty, so I created another project and used the full path as in my question (/home/me/app/vendor/friendsofsymfony/user-bundle/Resources/config/doctrine-mapping/), and it imported only the User and Group files. Is there any reason to include the other bundles which I didn't expect to import?

I found the way I did cleaner.

It depends if you will need to point to these symfony bundles or not.

Also you can point to root directory and deselect imported files in next screen where all found files are displayed:

enter image description here