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I have a mounted directory in my home folder which points to my test server. It was mounted via sshfs. The problem is that Skipper cant open this directory to perform export/import operations, which would really simplify my deployment tasks.

Is there any workaround? Thanks in advance.

in Solved by (180 points)

1 Answer

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Which OS?
How does mounted path look like?
Are you able to access mounted path via common OS tools?

Skipper is using Qt library which is connected to OS resources. In case it's a default path accessible with OS, this path should be accessible also via Skipper.

by Skipper developer (140k points)

Hello, thanks for your answer.

I'm running Skipper and the sshfs client on Slackware GNU/Linux. The files are in a remote machine, an ArchLinux, in /home/me/app/. They are mounted in a similar path on Slack, /home/me/mount/. I can browse these files normally via terminal and Thunar on Slack.

And what exactly Skipper returns as error? Or what does it mean "Skipper can't open".

Is this directory visible in open dialog?

I managed to find it once on the directory browser on Skipper when trying to import a project, and when I clicked it, a dialog box was popped. I tried to reproduce this box to take a screenshot but now the directory browser doesn't even list the folder where I mounted it.

Any ideas on what might be causing it?

Unfortunately not. It seems to some OS problems rather than problems in Skipper.

Skipper is using a common c++ file system methods to access files/directories so it should work with any mounted directory as long as it's accessible via common methods on OS

I believe people rely on using remote directories to make fast ORM schema files deployment to their servers for testing. SSHFS is definitely not working for me, because Skipper simply won't list the directory where I have my remote directory mounted.

Is there any alternative to SSHFS for mounting remote directories that in fact work with Skipper?

It seems that NFS works perfectly with Skipper. Problem solved. (-: Thank you Ludek.

Edit: Actually, I can browse my mounted directory to export my ORM files, but when I click to confim the export, Skipper crashes. This is really bothering me :/

Does anybody else have this kind of problem with remote mounted filesystems?