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Hi -

When I log into skipper I see this message:

enter image description here

I download the update and then get this error:

Can't copy file [/Users/myfolder/Library/Application
Error: boost::filesystem::copy_file: File exists:

When I try and log back in, skipper crashes...

Please advise how to update!


in Information by (550 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer


thanks for info. We are already working on this issue. The problem is caused by some new OS X handling of symbolic links which causes that our updater isn't able to update all files.

Currently it's necessary to update Skipper manually by downloading latest version from our site:


Unfortunately it will be necessary to update it one more time manually when we will release updated version, because updater logic is encapsulated in existing (installed) version of the app.

by Skipper developer (140k points)
selected by

Thank you for the update.

Okay - I am in the process of updating since the last update, I have downloaded the mac osx app, however I am now getting the following error:

The following disk images could't be opened.


How do I proceed?

This is weird. Can you try to download it again? We don't have reported any issue with OS X application bundle.

That seemed to solve the issue. thanks.

Great. Thanks for feedback