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Mysql is picky on the order of the columns in a multi-column index. The order in which fields are checked when defining an index in Skipper should be honoured.

This is how mysql workbench handles and visualizes the index column order:
how mysql workbench handles and visualizes the index column order

in Feature Request by (400 points)

1 Answer

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I'm not sure if you're now referring to import such order from MySQL Workbench or to defining the index order inside the app.

If you're writing about index definition, Skipper do it exactly like this but the order isn't currently visualized. If you have a problems with importing this order, please send us some testing project to [email protected] and we will check it.

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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I was refering to the definition in the App. I never realised that it did this. We used to modify the column order inside the XML for the ormdesigner2 file to achieve this.

You're right, ordering in XML is currently the only way how to reorder it (except remove columns, confirm it and add columns to index again)