ORM Designer 2 has new data type system and data type definition elements. Also we're now using different root element type names. Instead "TABLE" please use "Entity".
Each element is now defined by it's type instead of common keyword . Keyword attribute is now used only to define scalar value type.
Default keywords are:
- struct define structure
- group define only container of inner elements without encapsuling element.
- attribute define scalar value
- unordered define set of values without any ordering
- ordered define list of values with ordering
- indexed define key-vale map. Key should be any string/integer
Each of container type (unordered/ordered/indexed) should hold scalar type or complex structure. Here are few examples:
Ordered list of string values
<ordered name='listSimple' type='string'/>
Unordered set of structs
<unordered name='setOfContacts'>
<struct name='Contact'>
<attribute name='name' type='string'/>
<attribute name='age' type='string'/>
Ordered list of foreign type with and without encapsuling element
<struct name='root'>
<ordered name='ordered-group' type='/referenced-group'/>
<ordered name='ordered-struct' type='/referenced-struct'/>
<group name='referenced-group'>
<attribute name='first-name-rg' type='string'/>
<attribute name='second-name-rg' type='string'/>
<struct name='referenced-struct'>
<attribute name='first-name-rs' type='string'/>
<attribute name='second-name-rs' type='string'/>

So in your case it's necessary to update your definitions to this format:
<struct name="Entity">
<ordered name="traits" type="string"/>
For more examples please see ORM Designer2 configurations files located in OrmDesigner2/Configurations or to next posts.