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I tried opening a V1 project and it just renders blank. Is this supported? I had a lot of V1 projects that I would like to continue using in V2.

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FYI, using OSX Mountain Lion trying to open a file with the .ormdesigner extension.

Contents of file looks roughly like this ( using ... to fit content in char limit of comment post ):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<orm-designer version="">

  <include name="xml\access.module.xml"/>

  <project code-name="..." description="..." name="..." orm="Doctrine" visSizeX="350" visSizeX2="6600" visSizeY="250" visSizeY2="3550">
    <module-position name="Access" visPositionX="2859" visPositionY="51"/>



1 Answer

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Best answer

This issue is completely fixed in version

Please download it here: http://support.skipper18.com/402

by Skipper developer (140k points)
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